quinta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2013


Hoje achei na internet um material ótimo para estudar cirurgia para epilepsia, um artigo do Centro de Epilepsia do Massachusetts General Hospital, da Escola de Medicina de Harvard.
Today I was studying and I found a very nice article about epilepsy surgery, from Massachusetts General Hospital Epilepsy Center, Harvard Medical School.
    In the majority of patients with epilepsy, seizures can be well controlled with appropriate medication. However, current estimates indicate that 20 - 30% of patients with epilepsy are refractory to all forms of medical therapy.(1) These medically intractable patients are candidates for surgical treatment in an attempt to achieve better seizure control. Another group of patients who might benefit are those whose seizures may be relatively well controlled but who have certain characteristic presentations or lesions that strongly suggest surgical intervention might be curative. Overall, the single most important determinant of a successful surgical outcome is patient selection. This requires detailed presurgical evaluation to characterize seizure type, frequency, site of onset, psychosocial functioning and degree of disability in order to select the most appropriate treatment from a variety of surgical options. This type of evaluation is best carried out at a multi-disciplinary center experienced in the investigation and treatment of epilepsy.
    In this article, we will outline the essential elements of the presurgical evaluation as well as the diagnostic surgical procedures required for invasive EEG monitoring and then describe the variety of therapeutic surgical options including indications, techniques, results and complications of each procedure... "
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